October 2, 1912 ... No game scheduled ...  Giant’s manager, John McGraw was on hand to watch the series in Washington.  During his absence, two of his star pitchers, Rube Marquard and Jeff Tesreau went down to defeat at the hands of the Philadelphia Phillies.

Tickets for the World Series are ready for delivery.  All the reserved seats have been allotted and notices will be sent to the 6500 fortunate applicants for the remainder of the seats.  The ticket office for unreserved seating will be open from 9AM to 5PM.  Box seats are $5 each, grandstand are $3 each and $2 for the temporary grandstand.  Bleacher seats and left field seats on Duffy Lewis Terrace are $1 each.  There are 20,000 unreserved seats.

The Red Sox worked out a Shibe Park today.  President McAleer requested a block of seats at the Polo Grounds for the Royal Rooters and their band, but Giants president John Bush, re-stated the first-come first-serve policy that the Giants have in place.

Several of the Red Sox and Athletic players played golf in the afternoon.  Joe Wood and Neal Ball gave Tris Speaker and Jack Coombs a good beating.