October 14, 1915 ... Bill Carrigan played Santa Claus, distributing World Series checks in the amount of $3954.80 to his players.  All players were included in the pay day except Mike McNally who didn't spend enough time with the club to get a share.  His teammates, however, kicked in and he was given $1000.  All the players were anxious to head for home and had no desire to hang around for a victory parade and the hero worship.

The Red Sox arrived at 6:45 yesterday morning and not one fan was there to meet the train, as they were scheduled to arrive later in the day and the change of plans kept secret.

Joe Wood intends to drive to his home in Parkers Glen, Pennsylvania in a new car he purchased.  Harry Hooper and Larry Gardner had planned a hunting trip but called it off as Gardner is getting married soon, and the Hooper family will drive to San Francisco.  Pinch Thomas is planning on a hunting trip back in Wyoming.  Bill Carrigan's family will take Heinie Wagner and his family to their camp in Lewiston, Maine for a vacation.  Del Gainor, who had possession of the game ball, having caught the final out throw from Everett Scott, plans to hold on to it, although Ray Collins offered him $35 for it.  Rube Foster leaves today for his farm in Oklahoma and Ray Collins leaves for his farm in Vermont.  Tris Speaker and Dutch Leonard plan to hang around Boston for a few days before heading off to the White Mountains, before returning to their homes in Texas and California.  Duffy Lewis will head home to California this afternoon, Ernie Shore for South Carolina, Vean Gregg for Calgary, Alberta, and Carl Mays for Portland, Oregon.  President Lannin intends to talk with Babe Ruth and Everett Scott about contracts for next year.  The Babe had a $100 fine, imposed on him by Bill Carrigan, during spring training, rescinded.

Starting next week a group of American League All Stars will face a group of National League All Stars on a barnstorming trip in Oshkosh, Wisconsin and ending in Portland, Oregon on November 18th.  Hick Cady and Dick Hoblitzell are the only Red Sox players to be represented on the team.